Gerrim Onside! Is a website for rugby league fans of all stripes to keep astride of the latest news and developments, as well as opinion pieces from fans of several teams.

The site is overseen by Nathan Major-Kershaw, a writer and Hull KR fan.

Featured Writers

Nathan Major-Kershaw – Site Editor (Hull KR fan). Nathan is a writer with a BA(Hons) in Creative Writing from the University of Hull. He is legally blind and follows the game by listening on the radio in the stadium.

Ian Judson – Contributor (Hull FC fan). Ian is a rugby league journal who holds a Masters degree in English & Creative Writing, and has written for multiple sites and publications, being a member of the Rugby League Writers and Broadcasters Association. He is also an active fundraiser for the Jack Harrison VC MC Charitable Trust in Hull.

Thomas Haynes – Contributor (Hull KR fan). Thomas grew up in Bedfordshire and Gloucestershire in a dual-code household, his Dad being a Union fan from London, and his Mum a league fan from East Yorkshire. He has been a fan of both codes for longer than he can remember, and like his Mum, supports Hull KR.

Shaun French – Contributor (Hull FC fan). Network Manager during the week and a long-suffering Hull FC fan at weekends. Occasional actor, writer and director when funds allow.
Drinks too much coffee.

Quote of the week

"People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring."

~ Rogers Hornsby

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